Mickey Arthur named head coach of Rangpur Riders

Rangpur Riders have named Mickey Arthur as their lead trainer. The 56-year-old will assume responsibility for the establishment from the Worldwide Super Association, which starts on November 26. He will likewise be accountable for the Rangpur side during this season's Bangladesh Chief Association. Arthur has as of late worked with the Dambulla Emanation group in the Lanka Chief Association. He is likewise right now Derbyshire's overseer of cricket. Arthur has recently been the lead trainer of South Africa, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. "We have marked Mickey Arthur for the GSL and BPL this year," Rangpur group chief Shanian Taneem said. "It is a one-year bargain. He will deal with us for these two competitions this year. He is an extraordinary expansion to our side. The neighborhood players are truly eager to be instructed by him. We have been in contact with Mickey for the last seven-eight days to assemble the crew for GSL and BPL. He is extremely dynamic, in every case readily helping us. "I think he is ideal for Rangpur Riders' way of life. He is a cordial person. He will be of extraordinary advantage for the Bangladeshi cricketers specifically. He has enormous experience. He has proactively dealt with such countless worldwide sides like Sri Lanka, South Africa and Pakistan." Arthur has likewise trained in the BPL beforehand, with the Dhaka Dynamites side in 2015.